I Dedicated Myself To Reach Muslims
After involving myself in many things, I decided to concentrate fully on reaching the Muslim nations.--And here are my results! The Quran mentions Jesus, or Isa, in over 90 verses across 15 surahs, and he is a significant figure in Islam. Here are some ways Jesus is portrayed in the Quran:
MIRACLES: The Quran describes Jesus performing miracles, such as healing lepers, raising the dead, and giving sight to the blind.
VIRGIN BIRTH: The Quran states that Jesus was born to a virgin.
MESSIAH: The Quran refers to Jesus as the Messiah, or al-Masīḥ.
ASCENSION: The Quran describes Jesus as being miraculously saved by God and ascending into heaven,
HOLY FIGURE: The Quran venerates Jesus and his mother, Mary, as holy figures who came before the Prophet Muhammad.
NAME: Jesus' name is mentioned in the Quran five times more than the name of the Prophet Muhammad.
HIS RETURN: Mainstream Muslims believe Jesus will return in the Second Coming to kill the Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or "The False Messiah".
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